Tango Elite Reunited

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In September 2008, then teaching at Carnon Downs Village Hall, we first met our new Argentine Tango Beginner’s group. Everyone took to the dance and each other! The group gelled, worked hard and put their heart and soul in to this fascinating and intimate of dances. As time passed we picked up a sense of healthy competition creeping in amongst our Milongueros!! So, we set them a challenge: Strictly Come Tango!

They had the summer break to choreograph a dance to their choice of music to perform in front of our panel of Judges. We didn’t expect outfits, props and sensational storytelling but that’s what we got! Wow!! On the 11th of July, Tim and Mary were presented with the coveted award of ‘Strictly Come Tango Winners 2010’!

The group’s Argentine Tango dancing developed and friendships strengthened over the following years.
They progressed from a weekly advanced class to a monthly workshop and social evening, when we bestowed the name of ‘Tango Elite’ upon them. This came to an abrupt halt when Covid struck!

Our Tango Elite group were reunited on the 4th of March 2022. It had been well over 2 years since we were last together. There was more chatting than dancing that evening but we had a lot to catch up on!

Comparing the photos, I think it is fair to say that dancing keeps you fit and young! 12 years on and you don’t look any older you lovely people.